Nice Guy
Not everything that I did cause trouble. Sometimes it was a matter of me seeing a need and attempting to fill that need. Somewhere I recognized that one did not need permission to be a ‘nice guy’. The essays presented below reflect my involvement in the community, at times just portraying what I am finding and at other times doing something. Here are some of those essays:
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Awards and Recognition
Governor’s Mexican American Advisory Committee
Highland Heights Park
Honorary Citizen, Manizales, Colombia
Sue C. Boynton Poetry Contest
International Creche Festival
Big Rock Garden Nursery
Korean War orphan web site
Korean War Children’s Memorial pavilion, USA
Korean War Children’s Memorial, Korea
Saving the Throne of Nezahualcoyotl
Sebastian at Barkley Village
Hosting international visitors
Jungle Medicine
Japanese theater
Creating the China Teaching Program
Bringing Ruth Lechuga to Bellingham
City Council Resolution on the Rights of the Handicapped
A chat with two Native American boys